Garbed in gentle, soft colors, these “Iro no Utsuwa”(Porcelain with Color) works are light and comfortable to the touch, imparting a natural relaxation. The rhythmic patterns created by the tobikanna technique evoke a lively yet warm dining experience. No two of Nobuhiko Tanaka’s works are identical, so you are sure to find your own happiness among the various materials, colors, shapes, and patterns he uncovers in each piece. Please come to this exhibition in search of a unique joy that’s available nowhere else. In addition to these “Iro no Utsuwa”(Porcelain with Color)works, Tanaka’s new “Araji” works of pottery-like porcelain will also be on display and available for sale. We hope you will come and experience them yourself.
Friday, August 25 through Monday, September 18, 2023
The artist will be at the store on the first day. For other scheduled appearances, please contact us before coming.
6th floor, South Building, Tamagawa Takashimaya S/C
3-17-1 Tamagawa, Setagaya, Tokyo
Phone: 03-5797-3271

Nobuhiko Tanaka official site
Nobuhiko Tanaka Instagram
Nobuhiko Tanaka Profile
1966 Born in Nerima Ward, Tokyo
1990 Graduated from Rikkyo University
1991 Completed course at Kyoto Prefectural Ceramists’ Technical Institute
1991-93 Worked at Happuyo, Shiga Prefecture
1993-95 Lecturer, Kichijoji Atelier Hikousen Tougei Research Institute
1994 Opened kiln in Iruma City, Saitama Prefecture
2001-03 Member, Japan Craft Design Association