PASSION – Yukio Ninagawa – The Trajectory of Performing Arts
Thursday, December 12, 2019 to Monday, January 13, 2020 (holiday)
Reception Party: Thursday, December 12, 18:00 to 20:00
No admission fee
Yukio Ninagawa, who has been a driving power of the theater world in Japan and overseas through his bold stage productions, became the artistic director of Bunkamura Theatre Cocoon in 1999. He has been involved in 49 works there. Photographer Shinji Hosono has photographed those stage performances from the beginning of Theatre Cocoon, depicting a worldview all his own. Here, form is given to his desire to take the beauty of Ninagawa’s passion for his plays, and to communicate it to the masses. A photograph exhibit to commemorate the publication of PASSION – Yukio Ninagawa – The Trajectory of Performing Arts, a photo collection of all 49 works produced by Ninagawa at Bunkamura, will be held at Time & Style Midtown.

I continue taking photographs with the determination to see
with eyes as clean and pure as a flow of water.
Some things go unseen if one does not keep shooting.
Stop, and they disappear.
There are no secrets to shooting.
Just seize the chance and don’t let it get by.
I hope that you will come to this space at Time & Style Midtown
and enjoy the path of Ninagawa in the performing arts.
Shinji Hosono
Shinji Hosono
Shinji Hosono was born in 1963 in Ibigawa, Gifu Prefecture. He has engaged for many years in photography at stages including including Bunkamura Theatre Cocoon, New National Theater Tokyo, Setagaya Public Theatre, Saitama Arts Theater, Kanagawa Arts Theatre, and PARCO Theater. Major collections of his works include Shiranai Kao (Shueisha, 2012), a collection of portrait of actors in dressing rooms after performances, and Cocoon Kabuki (Shueisha International, 2016).
Photography collection
5,800 + tax
A4 size
Page 336
PIE International
Tokyo Midtown Galleria 3F, 9-7-4 Akasaka, Minato-ku
PHONE:03-5413-3501 OPEN:11:00-21:00